Traceability is a hot topic in the logistics industry, especially when it comes to pharmaceutical logistics.
Knowing the exact positioning of items and raw materials in the warehouse (internal traceability) and their path to the consumer (external traceability) is essential when it comes to health.
Products must be uniquely traced from origin to consumption along the supply chain. In this way, it is possible to follow their movements within the warehouses, easily identify failed batches or identify the users of a particular product, through automatic and optimized systems.
Manual identification, still in use at some logistics centers, is, in fact, impractical and prone to errors. For this reason, the best solutions for the traceability of pharmaceutical products move in the territory of automatic or semi-automated warehouses.
When it comes to traceability, two different types of the path must be taken into account:
In both cases, product traceability is greatly facilitated by the use of a Warehouse Management System, a software that uniquely tracks each item, order and shipment, follows its path and allows you to process reports and analytics.
The WMS, the warehouse management software, follows the products along the entire logistics chain and interfaces with the technologies that characterize industry 4.0, with production lines, machinery and couriers, thus ensuring ever greater reliability of operations.
In this way, it is possible to develop an effective, efficient and digitized traceability system, easily controllable through the data processing carried out by the WMS itself.
When we talk about pharmaceutical logistics, we are inevitably also talking about public health.
A delicate sector such as the one that manages, handles and transports drugs, vaccines, plasma and chemicals, must comply with specific safety protocols that regulate its activities.
Traceability in drug logistics was reformed by the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/161, to put a stop to the increasingly pressing problem of counterfeiting and take into account the technological developments in the sector.
Tracing products and raw materials, therefore, means guaranteeing their safety, respect for the cold chain, the ability to act promptly in the event of problems on specific orders.
What are the best solutions for the traceability of pharmaceutical products?
We can essentially identify three, used both in the context of internal and external traceability:
The automation aid is also connected to the geolocation systems. When the machines carry out the warehouse operations, it is not necessary to read the codes, it is the direct communication with the WMS system that guarantees traceability in itself.
The technologies listed can be used alternatively or simultaneously and can guarantee to trace and track the products handled. However, the basis of truly effective traceability must be a shared coding system between all the players involved in the pharmaceutical logistics supply chain, which makes it possible to keep track of the movements of products and orders, uniquely identified, along the entire supply chain.